Toki Henke shares his thoughts about Team Trios as a format.
Zen Takahashi writes about his favorite Legacy deck, Esper Stoneblade!
Simon Nielsen opens five Core Set 2019 boosters and peers into the minds of five drafters!
Terry Soh does some extensive analysis on the Reserved List and how it impacts Magic.
Zen Takahashi reviews the top commons and uncommons from Core Set 2019!
Simon Nielsen shares his preparation process for the previous Modern Grand Prix.
Simon Nielsen shares his preparation process for the previous Modern Grand Prix.
Felix Capule ranks his favorite Brawl Commanders from Core Set 2019!
Zen Takahashi reviews the top commons and uncommons from Core Set 2019!
Simon Nielsen begins preparing for Standard and shares four of his newest brews!
Zen Takahashi begins brewing for M2019 Standard starting with one of the his favorite tribes!
Simon Nielsen will be bringing Elves to the tables at Grand Prix Barcelona!

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