Zen Takahashi

Zen Takahashi

Player Bio
Zen Takahashi qualified for his first Pro Tour when he was just 13 years old, winning an Extended PTQ with Elves. At the age of 15, he competed in his first Grand Prix where he finished 11th. He then used those winnings to attend Grand Prix Sydney in 2013, where he made Top 4, beating reigning Pro Tour Champion Stanislav Cifka in the Quarter Finals to qualify for Pro Tour Dragon's Maze.

Most recently, he has made Top 8 of three of the last four Australian Grand Prix. He currently boasts a 72% win rate on the Grand Prix circuit, with 4 Top 8s in 15 lifetime appearances. He also has one of the highest Draft win rates on the Grand Prix circuit in the world, with an 83% win rate. He is currently a Silver Pro for the 2016 - 2017 season, and is just two points short of renewing it for another season!

Grand Prix Brisbane 2017 - 2nd
Grand Prix Sydney 2016 - 5th
Grand Prix Sydney 2015 - 6th
Grand Prix Sydney 2013 - 4th
World Magic Cup 2016 Team Member

From Cards to Slots: Why Magic the Gathering Fans Love Bizzo
29 September 2021, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
From Cards to Slots

Hollow One Primer & Updating Dredge
17 September 2018, Monday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi's final article for MTG Mint Card!

Lee Shi Tian for Hall of Fame
26 August 2018, Sunday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi to Lee, It has been an absolute pleasure seeing you become a legend of the game.

Hall of Fame Magic Interest Magic Lifestyle Pro Tour
Turbo Fog Primer
23 August 2018, Thursday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi shares a bunch of precious tips on piloting Turbo Fog in Standard!

Constructed Core Set 2019 Standard
Core Set 2019 Draft Primer
17 August 2018, Friday by Zen Takahashi
Getting ready for Nationals weekend? Check out Zen Takahashi's Core Set 2019 Draft Primer!

Booster Draft Core Set 2019 Limited Sealed Deck
Esper Stoneblade Primer (Main Deck)
31 July 2018, Tuesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi writes about his favorite Legacy deck, Esper Stoneblade!

Constructed Legacy
Top Commons and Uncommons in Core Set 2019 (P2)
19 July 2018, Thursday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi reviews the top commons and uncommons from Core Set 2019!

Booster Draft Core Set 2019 Limited Sealed Deck
Top Commons and Uncommons in Core Set 2019 (P1)
09 July 2018, Monday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi reviews the top commons and uncommons from Core Set 2019!

Booster Draft Core Set 2019 Limited Sealed Deck
Zombies in M2019 Standard
02 July 2018, Monday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi begins brewing for M2019 Standard starting with one of the his favorite tribes!

Constructed Core Set 2019 Standard
Drafting Fliers in Dominaria Draft
28 June 2018, Thursday by Zen Takahashi
Learn how to draft B/W Fliers and U/W Fliers with Zen Takahashi!

Booster Draft DOM Limited
Pro Tour Dominaria: Draft Notes
20 June 2018, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi shares Team MTG Mint Card's preparation process to improve at Dominaria Booster Draft.

Booster Draft DOM Limited
B/R Vehicles Matchup Guide (Part 2)
08 June 2018, Friday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi continues to share the ins and outs of the B/R Vehicles deck as well as its matchups.

Constructed DOM Standard
B/R Vehicles Matchup Guide (Part 1)
07 June 2018, Thursday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi shares the B/R Vehicles list he played at PT DOM and analyses two of crucial matchups.

Constructed DOM Pro Tour Standard
Top Commons and Uncommons in Dominaria (Part 2)
25 May 2018, Friday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi highlights the superstars of Dominaria Limited!

Booster Draft DOM Dominaria Limited Sealed Deck
Top Commons and Uncommons in Dominaria (Part 1)
23 May 2018, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi highlights the superstars of Dominaria Limited!

Booster Draft DOM Dominaria Limited Sealed Deck
The Top 5 Decks of Current Standard
14 May 2018, Monday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi runs down the current frontrunners!

Dominaria Standard
Preparing for Team Unified Modern
30 April 2018, Monday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi recounts his experience at GP Sydney!

Modern Team Constructed Team Modern
Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Walkthrough
05 April 2018, Thursday by Zen Takahashi
Getting ready for the RPTQ weekend? Zen Takahashi shares some precious tips!

Limited RIX Sealed Deck
My Rivals of Ixalan Draft Log (Part 1)
28 March 2018, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi has been drafting a lot and he wants to share the most valuable lessons with you!

Booster Draft Limited RIX
Pro Tour Testing Draft Notes
14 March 2018, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi shares a survival guide to Ixalan Draft!

Draft Limited RIX
Top Ten Insights to Rivals of Ixalan Sealed
07 March 2018, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
It's time to learn more about RIX Sealed. Zen Takahashi shares some secrets!

Booster Draft Limited RIX Sealed Deck
Dredge at Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan
14 February 2018, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi writes about his pet deck once again!

Constructed Modern PTRIX
Mono-Green or Black-Green Tron?
23 January 2018, Tuesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi beings preparing for Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, the upcoming Modern Pro Tour!

Constructed Modern
Top Commons and Uncommons in Rivals of Ixalan (P2)
19 January 2018, Friday by Zen Takahashi
Let's get ready for Grand Prix Indianapolis, the first Team Limited Grand Prix of 2018!

Booster Draft Limited RIX Sealed Deck
Top Commons and Uncommons in Rivals of Ixalan (P1)
17 January 2018, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
Let's get ready for Grand Prix Indianapolis, the first Team Limited Grand Prix of 2018!

Booster Draft Limited RIX Sealed Deck
5 Emerging Decks in Modern
09 January 2018, Tuesday by Zen Takahashi
Zen Takahashi shares 5 emerging decks in Modern which are not only interesting but competitive!

Constructed Modern XLN
Ten Decks to Fight Modern's Big Mana Strategies
27 December 2017, Wednesday by Zen Takahashi
How do you beat Tron and Titan Shift? Here are ten ways!

Constructed Modern
The Top Five Overrated Modern Decks
18 December 2017, Monday by Zen Takahashi
These five Modern decks are not as good as you think they are!

Constructed Modern
Black-Red Aggro in Standard
27 November 2017, Monday by Zen Takahashi
Terry Soh's bro, Joe Soh, brought Black-Red Aggro to a 7-3 score at Pro Tour Hour of Devastation!

Constructed Standard XLN

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