Tobi Henke

Tobi Henke

Player Bio

Between 2004 and 2007, Tobi Henke qualified for the Pro Tour ten times, most notably with a win at Grand Prix Brussels 2004. In 2007, he switched sides and began watching others play great Magic, working as part of Wizards of the Coast's official event coverage team ever since. In his articles, Tobi shares behind-the-scenes info from his days doing coverage and insight from his nights doing research. When not at events, he can be found on Magic Online where he's a degenerate draft junkie and a connoisseur of crazy concoctions in Constructed. You know, research.


Grand Prix Bochum 2004 (Team) – 5th
Grand Prix Brussels 2004 – 1st
German Nationals 2006 – 4th

Turning a 2/1 into a 3-0
16 August 2018, Thursday by Tobi Henke
Tobi Henke shares his newfound thoughts on the Core Set 2019 Booster Draft format.

Booster Draft Core Set 2019 Limited
Team Trio Thoughts
02 August 2018, Thursday by Tobi Henke
Toki Henke shares his thoughts about Team Trios as a format.

Coverage Organized Play Team Constructed
Birmingham Analytica & Copenhagen Chain Reactions
29 June 2018, Friday by Tobi Henke
Toki Henke crunches some numbers and shares the data!

Constructed DOM Standard
Breaking Chains: Standard Deviations
27 June 2018, Wednesday by Tobi Henke
Goblin Chainwhirlers everywhere! What are we gonna do?

Constructed DOM Standard
PT Dominaria: A Tournament Reporter's Report
06 June 2018, Wednesday by Tobi Henke
Coverage writer and Grand Prix Champion Toki Henke was on-site at PTDOM, as a reporter! Newsflash!

Coverage DOM Organized Play Pro Tour
Drafting Dominaria: Part Two
01 June 2018, Friday by Tobi Henke
Tobi Henke details more adventures in Dominaria limited!

DOM Limited
Coverage Stories: Decklist Edition
11 May 2018, Friday by Tobi Henke
Tobi Henke regales us all with the best and worst of tournament decklists!

Casual Tournament Report
Field Journal: One Week on Dominaria
03 May 2018, Thursday by Tobi Henke
Go on a reflective journey with Tobi Henke as he spends a week in Dominaria!

Booster Draft DOM Limited
Amber Ambitions
26 April 2018, Thursday by Tobi Henke
Welcoming Tobi Henke to MTG Mint Card, and welcoming Mox Amber to our Magic world!

Constructed DOM Modern Standard

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